Ministry of Comfort

of the arizona district UPCI

The “Ministry of Comfort” is a program “HONORING” the Ministers of the UPCI and the Arizona District. The Apostle Paul instructs us to: 1) Give “HONOR” to whom HONOR is due  (Rom 13:7) and 2) Give “DOUBLE HONOR” to Elders counted WORTHY (I Tim 5:17)

There are four areas of bestowing “HONOR” to these faithful individuals.

Comfort Ministry

Expressing “HONOR” to a Minister or a Minister’s wife in the event of death:

– We present a “Certificate of Honor” and a UPCI folded flag to the minister.

– Present a “Certificate of Honor” to the minister’s wife.

Ministry Milestones

Recognizing significant levels of service and involvement they have achieved in the UPCI.

A “Milestone is given to a Minister for certain years of Ministry, (25, 30, 35, 50).

The ‘Order of Melchizedek’

Showing “HONOR” to the Ministers that are of age 80 and older.

Honor ministers age 80 or older by presenting the ‘Order of Melchizedek’ Certificate & Medallion.

Ministerial Event Honorarium

An avenue designed to assist and “HONOR” aging Ministers who are unable to attend District events due to disabilities and health issues.

Honor the aged/disabled minister at a special event where these Ministers can be in attendance.

(623) 293-8891

Contact Secretary
Delmon Sansom

Arizona District UPCI
P.O. Box 17762
Phoenix, AZ 85011

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Arizona District UPCI Reaching the lost of Arizona.